Renting step by step

1Stress-free Cooperation

Your cooperation with Duna House will start at our office where we introduce you to our system of work and provide you with tips on how to put your property into its best shape so that no tenant could resist it. If you like us, and we are sure that you will. You may then sign the Procuring Cause. Our journey to the best tenant has just started and we assure you that Duna House will make it as stress-free as possible.



No, you are not at the airport but your property still needs to be mapped and its technical parameters need to be summarized. We will issue what Duna House calls the “real estate passport” for your home. This document will provide a complete information on your property including the description of the neighbourhood, so that we can find a perfect match for your home through our system. A special graphic program will enable us to create a schematic floor plan of your property that we will complete with professional pictures.


3Property with a green light!

In the next step we will activate your property in Duna House database. The manager will review the offer and authorize its activation under the condition that meets Duna House quality standards. Consequently, the matchmaking process starts and your offer is connected to the corresponding client requests. In this step we actively promote your property, the agent will choose the most suitable made on measure promotion of your home and post your offer on the most viewed paid real estate portals.

4Show Days

We appreciate your trust and have the utmost respect for your privacy. We only offer your property to motivated tenants that have been previously screened by Duna House and have signed an agreement with Duna House. Your future tenants are firstly provided with all the pertinent information and only after they have expressed a strong interest in seeing your home in real, we will contact you to arrange a Show Day.

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I was with you but only 2 have a nice interior. Quiet and pleasant arrangement. I recommend

— J.T., Praha